Interested in joining our team?
Then sign up today!

The RH Youth Organisation places great value on the involvement of volunteers in its work in various ways ranging from working with young people and community work to decision and policy making in Committees. Volunteers help enhance the range and quality of services provided by The RH Youth Organisation by putting their time, skills, knowledge or experience at its disposal. They help keep The RH Youth Organisation’s work relevant to the community by bringing a range of personalities, backgrounds and experience into the organisation.

Open to ages 18+
Adult Volunteering
Team Leaders Role-
Team Leaders are responsible of running a session (e.g All Stars Session) There is only one Team Leader in each session some of their responsibilities are-
Responsible for all adults, young people in their Session.
Must be 18+ to run a session.
Develop a strategy the team will use to reach its goal.
Provide any training that team members need (organised through the Executive Team).
Communicate clear instructions to team members.
Listen to team members' feedback.
Monitor team members' participation to ensure the training they are being provided is being put into use, and also to see if any additional training is needed.
Manage the flow of the running of the session.
Assistant Team Leaders-
Some of their responsibilities are-
Assist the team leaders in the running of the session.
Provide input to sessions (e.g game ideas or session planning)
Responsible for looking after young people in the session.
Preparing sessions e.g setting up an activity.

Every adult who volunteers will go through the vetting process and have a PVG (Protection of vulnerable groups) and has gone through security and police checks to ensure they are suitable to work with children and young people. The appropriate training will be given to our Adult Volunteers (Running a session, session planning, Policies, First Aid, GPDR, Child Protection etc) This is usually covered within 3 HOURS.

Open to ages 18+
RHYO Trustee (Board Member)
Trustees are often called the board or governing body. They make key decisions about the direction the charity will take and how its purposes will be carried out. They also make sure that the charity has the resources and policies it needs to do this well and to comply with legal requirements. The Trustees are individually responsible for their contribution to the charity’s governance – whether it complies with the law and its policies, fulfils its objectives, and stays accountable to its service users and others – and the organisation’s overall effectiveness. Their opinions all have equal weight. But decisions are made collectively as a group.

Open to ages 16+
RHYO Maintenance Team
To undertake the efficient maintenance of the building and Organisation, including certain technical and administrative duties to ensure their most effective use. To ensure that the whole Organisation environment and services are maintained to a high and acceptable standard. Ensure that all relevant Health & Safety regulations and records are complied with.
• Maintain and monitor Health and Safety standards, keeping all records and paperwork up to date. Report any failures to comply with the Organisation’s statutory Health & Safety obligations.
• To ensure all roads and paths on the Organisation premises are maintained and clear of obstructions, and appropriate measures are taken to ensure safety in inclement weather.
• To ensure all recommendations arising from health and safety audits, risk assessments and regular maintenance inspections are acted upon.
• To act as “Fire Warden” and assist with regular Organisation fire-drills and recommend improvements to safety where necessary (termly). Regularly test fire alarms as required.
• To adhere to the Organisation’s Safeguarding Policy which safeguards and promotes the welfare of all children.
• Be aware and comply with all policies and procedures.
• To carry out various maintenance duties to ensure the general upkeep and maintenance of the premises/equipment. This will include undertaking repairs and improvements.
• Carry out a preventative, planned maintenance programme and undertake routine inspections of the buildings, fixtures, fittings, premises and grounds to assess for minor works or repairs required. Report any defects/issues to the Executive Team.
• Order supplies, via the Executive Team, in order to maintain the necessary stock of appropriate resources.
• To undertake training as required.

Open to ages 14+
RHYO Events Team
open to ages 14+
The Events Team is responsible for working under the instructions of the Chief Executives and RHYO Board, assuming the role of ticket taker, welcoming guests, inspecting equipment for damage after use, and checking equipment against an inventory list, among other duties.
RHYO Events Team Responsibilities:
Working under the instructions of the Chief Executives and RHYO Board.
Loading equipment into vehicles/trailers for the event.
Unloading equipment from vehicles/trailers and setting up venues for events, including chairs and building stages etc.
Working as ushers and ensuring that seating arrangements adhere to fire code regulations.
Operating cash registers/card machines.
Ensuring the event hall is clean and organised.
Helping run stalls like raffle, tombola, tuckshop, teas/coffees etc
Adhering to event safety standards.
Ensuring excellent levels of customer service.
Undertaking security duties.
Assuming the role of Ticket Taker and welcoming guests.
Setting up lighting and sound equipment.
Dispensing useful information to event-goers.
Inspecting equipment for damage after use and checking it against an inventory list.
Packing up equipment when the event is completed.
Open to ages 14+
Young Team Leader
For each session there can be a group of 14-17 Year olds that can help the Adult Team Members to assist with running of a Session. There is a cap of 4 Young Team Members per Session.
Some of their responsibilities are-
• Help Team Members set up games/activities/ run games
• Provide input to sessions
• Help Team Members in an activity for example: a Team Member may need an extra pair of hands to help with demonstrations.
Note- That Young Team Leaders can not run a session without an adult as they are still a Young Person.